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Comparative Education: Exploring Issues in International Context (2003) 요약정보 및 구매

상품 선택옵션 0 개, 추가옵션 0 개

사용후기 0 개
지은이 P. Kubow P.
발행년도 2002-11-15
판수 1판
페이지 274
ISBN 9780130868480
도서상태 구매가능
판매가격 5,000원
포인트 0점
배송비결제 주문시 결제

선택된 옵션

  • Comparative Education: Exploring Issues in International Context (2003)


  • A welcome addition to the field, this rigorous, scholarly text departs from the traditional viewpoint of educational systems and structural analysis to thoroughly explore comparative education from an issues orientation. Content is built upon analytical frameworks that address four fundamental educational issues: the purposes of schooling, access to and opportunities for education, accountability and authority in education, and educator professionalism. After an introduction to the field and to prevailing theories in educational policy and practice, the text examines each educational issue in relation to two different countries, the better to foster comparison and contrasting.
  • I. COMPARATIVE EDUCATION AND UNDERLYING ASSUMPTIONS ABOUT EDUCATION: THE COMPARATIVE APPROACH. 1. Comparative Education. Identifying the Field: A historical look at comparative education. Taking Stock: A critical appraisal of comparative education. New directions: A practical approach to comparative education. 2. Theory in Comparative Education. Structural-functionalist Perspectives in Comparative Education. Marxist Perspectives in Comparative Education. Post-modernism and Post-structuralism: Theoretical Challenges to the Modern. References. II. EDUCATION IN INTERNATIONAL CONTEST: A COMPARATIVE APPROACH APPLIED TO CONTEMPORARY EDUCATIONAL ISSUES. 3. Purposes of Schooling. Roles and Images of Formal Schooling. Schooling and Ideology. Aims of Schooling. Curriculum: A Mechanism of Social and Cultural Reproduction. The Historical and Cultural Context of Education in Hong Kong. The Historical and Cultural Context of Education in Israel. References. 4. Educational Access and Opportunity. Educational Access and Opportunity as a Fundamental Societal Issue. Brazil, South Africa, and Factors of Educational Access and Opportunity in Perspective. What is Quality Education?: Considering the Means and Ends of Education. Lessons from Brazilian and South African Experience. References. 5. Education Accountability and Authority. Problematizing Accountability. Accountability as Instrumentalized Education Reform: England's Education Reform Act. Education and New Challenges in Post-Reunification Germany. References. 6. Teacher Professionalism. Exploration into the Nature of Teacher Professionalism. Signals of Legitimacy: Factors that Reinforce Teacher Professionalism. The Authority-Responsibility Relationship. Basic Education and Holistic Development. Teach Professional Development in Japan. Teacher Autonomy in Japan. Teacher Professionalism in the United States. References. III. INTERPRETING EDUCATIONAL ISSUES: COMPARISON AND THE USE OF ANALYTIC FRAMEWORKS. 7. Applying Frameworks to Analyze Educational Issues. Four Analytic Frameworks. Bridging the Frameworks to Other Dilemmas in Education. References. 8. The Value of Comparative Education. Tensions Explored, Lessons Gained. Final Words. References. Glossary.
  • Dr. Patricia K. Kubow is an Assistant Professor in Educational Foundations and Inquiry at Bowling Green State University in Bowling Green, Ohio. Her scholarship is focused on comparative and international education, democratic citizenship education, teacher education, educational policy, and comparative higher education.
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  • Comparative Education: Exploring Issues in International Context (2003)