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Multicultural Teaching: A Handbook of Activities, Information, and Resources, 6th (2002) 요약정보 및 구매

상품 선택옵션 0 개, 추가옵션 0 개

사용후기 0 개
지은이 P. Tiedt I. Tiedt
발행년도 2001-10-18
판수 6판
페이지 426
ISBN 9780205346639
도서상태 구매가능
판매가격 5,000원
포인트 0점
배송비결제 주문시 결제

선택된 옵션

  • Multicultural Teaching: A Handbook of Activities, Information, and Resources, 6th (2002)


  • B> A Classic in the field of Multicultural teaching, this new edition provides activities and information designed to enable the teacher to explore the many kinds of diversity in the classroom. This book presents model lesson plans, fully developed thematic units, and a variety of instructional strategies, as well as a wealth of resources that support multicultural teaching. It examines difficult issues and problems within multicultural education to encourage reflections and discussion. It explains the basic content of multicultural education and also describes methods for carrying out the best education for all students. coverage of: language diversity, appropriate terminology, prejudice and stereotyped thinking. The material emphasizes the development of esteem, empathy, and equity in the classroom. The author provides suggestions for professional development as teachers assume an active role in promoting multiculturalism in the school and community. A strong Esteem/Empathy /Equity model provides the framework for building a successful multicultural program at any grade level. This latest edition emphasizes the currency of multicultural education and factors that influence our thinking related to local, national, and world affairs. Educators at any level interested in diversity and multicultural issues in the classroom.

  • PART I.

    1. Exploring Our Unique American Multiculture.

    Evolving Multicultural Theory.
    Examining the American Multiculture Today.
    Defining Multicultural Education Today.
    Preparing to Teach in a Multiculture.

    2. Teaching for Diversity While Promoting Unity.

    Developing a Spiraling Multicultural Curriculum: Outcomes, Goals, Objectives.
    Focusing on the Student Learner.
    Delivering the Curriculum.
    Selecting Outstanding Resources for Teaching.


    3. Infusing Multicultural Concepts Across the Curriculum.

    Focusing on Multicultural Concepts in Art.
    Focusing on Multicultural Concepts in Language Arts (Including Reading).
    Focusing on Multicultural Concepts in Mathematics.
    Focusing on Multicultural Concepts in Music.
    Focusing on Multicultural Concepts in Physical Education.
    Focusing on Multicultural Concepts in Science and Technology.
    Focusing on Multicultural Concepts in Social Studies.


    4. Organizing Interdisciplinary Studies.

    Using Learning Centers.
    Developing Thematic Units.
    Creating a Multicultural Module.


    PART II.

    5. Learning About Ourselves.

    Getting Acquainted.
    Naming Ourselves.

    Family Ties.

    Food: A Thematic Unit.

    Focus on Gender: Searching for Equity.


    6. Building a Community of Learners.

    Including All Students.
    Breaking Down Prejudice and Stereotypes.
    Coping with Conflict and Change.
    Quilts as a Metaphor for American Life.
    Focus on Native Americans, Yesterday and Today.


    7. Enlarging Student Perspectives.

    Exploring Your Community.
    Contributions of Different Groups.

    How We Live in a Global Village.
    Studying Folklore with Children.
    Focus on Africa and African-Americans: Reclaiming Traditions.


    8. Exploring Language and Linguistic Diversity.

    Varieties of English.
    The Many Languages of the World.
    Support Students Learning English as a Second Language.
    Focus on Latinos: An Ethnolinguistic Group.


    9. Celebrating Multiculturalism Around the Year.

    Preparing the Calendar.
    The Monthly Calendar.
    Focus on Cultures and Times.



    10. Reflecting on Multicultural Education.

    Problems and Issues to Be Addressed.
    Progressive Thinking and Promising Practices.

    Reviewing the Study of Multicultural Teaching.

    Appendix: Developing Your Multicultural Knowledge Base: Recommended Readings and Resources.


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  • Multicultural Teaching: A Handbook of Activities, Information, and Resources, 6th (2002)