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Homotopy Theory and Its Applications: A Conference on Algebraic Topology in Honor of Samuel Gitler August 9-13, 1993 Cocoyoc, Mexico - Contemporary Mathematics Vol.188 요약정보 및 구매

상품 선택옵션 0 개, 추가옵션 0 개

사용후기 0 개
지은이 Alejandro Adem.R. James
발행년도 1995-07-01
판수 first edition판
페이지 238
ISBN 9780821803059
도서상태 구매가능
판매가격 70,000원
포인트 0점
배송비결제 주문시 결제

선택된 옵션

  • Homotopy Theory and Its Applications: A Conference on Algebraic Topology in Honor of Samuel Gitler August 9-13, 1993 Cocoyoc, Mexico - Contemporary Mathematics Vol.188


  • This book is the result of a conference held to examine developments in homotopy theory in honor of Samuel Gitler in August 1993 (Cocoyoc, Mexico). It includes several research papers and three expository papers on various topics in homotopy theory.

    The research papers discuss the following:

    application of homotopy theory to group theory 
    fiber bundle theory 
    homotopy theory

    The expository papers consider the following topics:

    the Atiyah-Jones conjecture (by C. Boyer) 
    classifying spaces of finite groups (by J. Martino) 
    instanton moduli spaces (by R. J. Milgram) 
    Homotopy Theory and Its Applications offers a distinctive account of how homotopy-theoretic methods can be applied to a variety of interesting problems.

  • A. Adem -- Discrete groups, Grothendieck rings and families of finite subgroups 
    Anonymous -- Once in class with Sam 
    L. Astey -- Stably fibre homotopy invariant classes in complex-oriented theories 
    D. J. Benson and C. W. Wilkerson -- Finite simple groups and Dickson invariants 
    C. P. Boyer -- The Atiyah-Jones conjecture 
    F. R. Cohen -- On combinatorial group theory in homotopy 
    F. R. Cohen, J. R. Harper, and R. Levi -- On the homotopy theory associated to certain finite groups of $2$-rank two 
    D. M. Davis -- Equivalences of some $upsilon _1$-telescopes 
    J. Dietz and S. Priddy -- The stable homotopy type of rank two $p$-groups 
    M. Mahowald and V. Gorbounov -- Some homotopy of the cobordism spectrum $MOlangle 8

    I. M. James -- Numerical invariants of fibrewise homotopy type 
    K. Y. Lam and D. Randall -- Geometric dimension of bundles on real projective spaces 
    J. R. Martino -- Classifying spaces and their maps 
    R. J. Milgram -- The Atiyah-Jones conjecture for ruled surfaces and the geometry of instanton moduli spaces 
    E. G. Rees -- Linear spaces of real matrices of given rank 
    J. Seade -- A note on the Adams $e$-invariant

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선택된 옵션

  • Homotopy Theory and Its Applications: A Conference on Algebraic Topology in Honor of Samuel Gitler August 9-13, 1993 Cocoyoc, Mexico - Contemporary Mathematics Vol.188