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Computational Modelling and Simulation of Aircraft and the Environment, Volume 2: Aircraft Dynamics 요약정보 및 구매

상품 선택옵션 0 개, 추가옵션 0 개

사용후기 0 개
지은이 Dominic J. Diston
발행년도 2024-02-01
페이지 206
ISBN 9780470687116
도서상태 구매가능
판매가격 70,000원
포인트 0점
배송비결제 주문시 결제

선택된 옵션

  • Computational Modelling and Simulation of Aircraft and the Environment, Volume 2: Aircraft Dynamics


  • Description
    Computational Modelling and Simulation of Aircraft and the Environment

    An in-depth discussion of aircraft dynamics modelling and simulation

    This book provides a comprehensive guide to modelling and simulation from basic physical and mathematical principles, giving the reader sufficient information to be able to build computational models of aircraft for the purposes of simulation and evaluation. Highly relevant to practitioners, it takes into account the multi-disciplinary nature of aerospace products and the integrated nature of the models needed in order to represent them. Volume 1- Platform Kinematics and Synthetic Environment focused on the modelling of a synthetic environment in which aircraft operate and its spatial relationship with vehicles that are situated and moving within it. This volume focuses on the modelling of aircraft and the interpretation of their flight dynamics.

    Key features:

    • Includes chapters on equations of motion, fixed-wing aerodynamics, longitudinal flight and gas turbines, as well as an opening chapter that presents an overview of flight modelling and a concluding chapter that presents a number of additional topics such as aircraft structures and embedded systems.
    Serves as both a student text and practitioner reference.Follows on from previous Aerospace Series titles, offering a complementary view of vehicles and systems from the perspectives of mathematics, physics and simulation.

    This book offers a comprehensive guide for senior, graduate and postgraduate students of aerospace engineering as well as professional engineers involved in the modelling and simulation of aircraft.

  • Dominic J. Diston

    was a senior lecturer in aerospace engineering at the University of Liverpool and subsequently associate professor at the University of Nottingham. He also spent 25 years in the aerospace industry and has wide experience in dynamics, control and simulation of vehicles and systems. Major areas of work have included integrated flight/propulsion control, computer-aided engineering and fuel/thermal/power system simulation. All work has been closely linked with projects, most significantly Harrier, Typhoon, Nimrod and F-35.

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선택된 옵션

  • Computational Modelling and Simulation of Aircraft and the Environment, Volume 2: Aircraft Dynamics