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Sustainable Aviation Technology and Operations: Research and Innovation Perspectives 요약정보 및 구매

상품 선택옵션 0 개, 추가옵션 0 개

사용후기 0 개
지은이 Roberto Sabatini, Alessandro Gardi
발행년도 2024-01-01
페이지 544
ISBN 9781118932582
도서상태 구매가능
판매가격 69,000원
포인트 0점
배송비결제 주문시 결제

선택된 옵션

  • Sustainable Aviation Technology and Operations: Research and Innovation Perspectives


  • Description
    Sustainable Aviation Technology and Operations

    Comprehensively covers research and development initiatives to enhance the environmental sustainability of the??aviation sector

    Sustainable Aviation Technology and Operations provides a comprehensive and timely outlook of recent research advances in aeronautics and air transport, with emphasis on both long-term sustainable development goals and current achievements.

    This book discusses some of the most promising advances in aircraft technologies, air traffic management and systems engineering methodologies for sustainable aviation. The topics covered include: propulsion, aerodynamics, avionics, structures, materials, airspace management, biofuels and sustainable lifecycle management. The physical processes associated with various aircraft emissions — including air pollutants, noise and contrails — are presented to support the development of computational models for aircraft design, flight path optimization and environmental impact assessment. Relevant advances in systems engineering and lifecycle management processes are also covered, bridging some of the existing gaps between academic research and industry best practices. A collection of research case studies complements the book, highlighting opportunities for a timely uptake of the most promising technologies, towards a more efficient and environmentally sustainable aviation future.

    Key features:

    • Contains important research and industry relevant contributions from world-class experts.
    • Addresses recent advances in aviation sustainability including multidisciplinary design approaches and multi-objective operational optimisation methods.
    • Includes a number of research case studies, addressing propulsion, aerostructures, alternative aviation fuels, avionics, air traffic management, and sustainable lifecycle management solutions.

    Sustainable Aviation Technology and Operations is an excellent book for aerospace engineers, aviation scientists, researchers and graduate students involved in the field.

  • Table of Contents

    List of Contributors vii

    About the Editors ix

    About the Companion Website x

    1 Sustainable Aviation: An Introduction 1
    Roberto Sabatini and Alessandro Gardi

    Section I Aviation Sustainability Fundamentals 29

    2 Climate Impacts of Aviation 31
    Yixiang Lim, Alessandro Gardi, and Roberto Sabatini

    3 Noise Pollution and Other Environmental and Health Impacts of Aviation 49
    Alessandro Gardi, Rohan Kapoor, Yixiang Lim, and Roberto Sabatini

    Section II Systems for Sustainable Aviation 79

    4 Systems Engineering Evolutions 81
    Anthony Zanetti, Arun Kumar, Alessandro Gardi, and Roberto Sabatini

    5 Life Cycle Assessment for Carbon Neutrality 113
    Enda Crossin, Alessandro Gardi, and Roberto Sabatini

    6 Air Traffic Management and Avionics Systems Evolutions 145
    Alessandro Gardi, Yixiang Lim, Nichakorn Pongsakornsathien, Roberto Sabatini, and Trevor Kistan

    7 Optimisation of Flight Trajectories and Airspace 165
    Alessandro Gardi, Yixiang Lim, and Roberto Sabatini

    Section III Aerostructures and Propulsive Technologies 213

    8 Advanced Aerodynamic Configurations 215
    Matthew Marino, Alessandro Gardi, Roberto Sabatini, and Yixiang Lim

    9 Lightweight Structures and Advanced Materials 241
    Raj Das and Joel Galos

    10 Low-Emission Propulsive Technologies in Transport Aircraft 263
    Kavindu Ranasinghe, Kai Guan, Alessandro Gardi, and Roberto Sabatini

    11 Approved Drop-in Biofuels and Prospects for Alternative Aviation Fuels 301
    Graham Dorrington

    Section IV Research Case Studies 323

    12 Overall Contribution of Wingtip Devices to Improving Aircraft Performance 325
    Nikola Gavrilovi´c, Boško Rašuo, Vladimir Parezanovi´c, George Dulikravich, and Jean-Marc Moschetta

    13 Integration of Naturally Occurring Materials in Lightweight Aerostructures 343
    Jose Silva, Alessandro Gardi, and Roberto Sabatini

    14 Distributed and Hybrid Propulsion: A Tailored Design Methodology 355
    Martin Burston, Kavindu Ranasinghe, Alessandro Gardi, Vladimir Parezanovic, Rafic Ajaj, and Roberto Sabatini

    15 Integration of Hybrid-Electric Propulsion Systems in Small Unmanned Aircraft 393
    Jacob Sliwinski, Alessandro Gardi, Matthew Marino, and Roberto Sabatini

    16 Benefits and Challenges of Liquid Hydrogen Fuels for Commercial Transport Aircraft 417
    Stephen Rondinelli, Alessandro Gardi, and Roberto Sabatini

    17 Multi-Objective Trajectory Optimisation Algorithms for Avionics and ATM Systems 433
    Alessandro Gardi, Roberto Sabatini, and Trevor Kistan

    18 Energy-Optimal 4D Guidance and Control for Terminal Descent Operations 457
    Yixiang Lim, Alessandro Gardi, and Roberto Sabatini

    19 Contrail Modelling for 4D Trajectory Optimisation 475
    Yixiang Lim, Alessandro Gardi, and Roberto Sabatini

    20 Trajectory Optimisation to Minimise the Combined Radiative Forcing Impacts of Contrails and CO2 499
    Yixiang Lim, Alessandro Gardi, Roberto Sabatini, and Trevor Kistan

    21 The W Life Cycle Model – San Francisco Airport Case Study 509
    Anthony Zanetti, Alessandro Gardi, and Roberto Sabatini

    22 Conclusions and Future Research 517
    Roberto Sabatini and Alessandro Gardi

    Index 523 

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선택된 옵션

  • Sustainable Aviation Technology and Operations: Research and Innovation Perspectives